The cheapest non-stop flight available, help!!!?
I need to find a flight to Milwaukee, Wisconsin for next month, and I'm trying to find the cheapest non-stop flight possible. I was going to book earlier but I didn't have the money then. Now that I have the money, all the prices seem to have gone up dramatically. I have checked, orbitz, travelocity, tripadvisor, and all the other sites that I can't name right now but I have checked a lot, and all of them are really out of my price range. It seems that priceline has the cheapest flights available, but even then, it's out of my price range. Does anyone of any site where it's cheaper than priceline for a NON-STOP flight to Milwaukee, Wisconsin? thank you very much, please help me out!
Air Travel - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I find the best deal by going on the airline websites themselves and clicking where the have specials or deals. Look up the major airlines that fly from where you are to Wisconsin. Try to do it at least 21 days in advance.
2 :
Sorry but it sounds like you left it too late. Try JetBlue and Southwest as they do not release their seats to other travel sites.
3 :
Just to throw a couple of sites in the mix, you could check out I find that if a flight isn't shown on dohop, it just doesn't exist.
4 :
Why is it that people who ask questions like these never, ever give any hint of where they want to fly from?